Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jumping in...

I've been talking for awhile now about venturing into the adult world of home ownership or, in my case, condo ownership. Last week, despite a nauseous stomach and heart palpitations, I made my very first offer on a condo. It was a low-ball offer in an attempt to buy something that was realistically out of my reach. They countered and I bailed, with my tail between my legs. I realized that the price that I thought I could afford was actually about $20,000 higher than my bank account will allow. So, I started again.

Today Joel and I went to an open house and I'm afraid I have fallen in love....for the second time in one week. Although this go 'round, I am more within my league. Unfortunately, so are 2 other people who are putting in offers on MY new home. Needless to say, I am a stress case at the moment. I won't know what my chances are until tomorrow, so wish me luck. I don't want to jinx anything by giving away too much information, but when (and if) the time comes, there will be pictures galore and polls aplenty regarding paint colors and decorating plans. For now I am going try to distract myself with the newest episode of Rock of Love 2. Oh Bret Michaels, what is under that bandana anyway?


Pixie said...

Girl, I'll tell you whats under that bandana. The hole they pump the Botox through. And also: stripper's panties.

mishka said...

I had no idea you were house shopping! So exciting, I really hope you get to the pictures galore and decorating stage. Good luck!